Sunday, November 28, 2010

Something I Dream Of

I dream of finishing high school soon and starting University.
I dream of finishing University and getting done with my Masters.
I dream of having a nice sort of job while I'm doing my Masters.
I dream of being carefree and just living my life till I'm around 26.
I want to have this whole apartment to myself with a room dedicated to everything I love.
Maybe it would have this small workplace sort of thing in it where I'd just pin up my drawings and would have to choose between alot of colours (like the picture posted below).
I dream of travelling to some place on my own and just discover it on my own.
I dream of having an amazing job with regard to the degree I do with an amazing pay and do the things I want to do.
So many dreams I want to fulfill.
So many dreams I wish to fulfill.
So many dreams I hope I will fulfill.

Picture courtesy: From Photobucket via fadetoblack

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Price I'd Rather Spend On My Future

This is probably old news but since I just stumbled upon it, it's new to me. This amazing bag costs around $150,000. Yes, you read that right. $150,000.

What's it made of, you ask? An old leather bag, rubber cement and trash found in the streets. Please note, it's all the urban trash.

Apparently, it doesn't exist. Or maybe it does. I'm not sure of how much of sarcasm these people were using but looking at the class of fashion Lady Gaga has brought in, this news wouldn't be as absurd as it seems.

Sure, it is something I could probably make and never did (never will either!) but, as long as there's a Louis Vuitton label on it, it's going to be bought.

If I'd go around wearing it in the streets, it'd be trash. Catch Naomi Campbell or Victoria Beckham wearing it and you have an instant hit! Honestly, some of the stuff I see on the ramps aren't even something I'd wear anytime nor would I want to see anyone wearing it. Why in the name of Heaven would I want to wear something just for the brand when it doesn't even look good? 

I just feel really sorry for the price majority of these brands raise. Around 700 bucks just for Jimmy Choo Uggs? Why not just spend around half of that price on something much better? Give me a break.

I don't really care if you call me as the-person-who-doesn't-understand-the-importance-of-wearing-awesome-brand-named-clothes-with-prices-so-high-that-I-could-feed-over-fifty-people. I've got my opinion and so do you. Just don't attack.

It's a free world. Live with everyone's thinking.

Source of photo: Click here. (trash bag's on number 4)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sarah McLachlan - Fallen (Gabriel & Dresden Anti-Gravity Remix)

Hold On And Love, Love, Love.

How can some people hold so much hate in their heart for so long? Why don't they just let the love that exudes, flow right through them all the time?
Forget grudges, people. Live for yourself but don't be so selfish. Leave something for everyone. 
Go around in circles spreading the love; a never ending chain.

Love the world. Make it a better place.
Michael Jackson; respect.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore.

Writing something atleast once in two days.. didn't seem like a tough task till I realised that I'm almost done with two days from the last time I wrote. Anyhow, blah.

Almost all my posts are  life-related and honestly, I don't even know what else to write on this blog. Its like an online diary but it's open to everyone that stumbles upon this blog of non-stop rants in every post. I'm barely interested in anything anymore but that's just how I feel right now. Other times, I just do random stuff.. like eat, for example. Then I eat more and I eat more. I need food (in small portions, ofcourse; I'm not a container) almost every half an hour. Life seems so meaningless when I have nothing to munch on.

Certain things I realised today: 
1. Movies based on love are really cheesy.
2. Bollywood movies are annoying when they have songs coming up every 2 minutes.
3. I don't really like movies.
4. I turn the TV on just to watch something either on Cartoon Network or Star World.
5. Art is meaningless unless I can feel something.
6. I can't see life beyond this year.
7. I can't live without food and music.
8. I tend to get bored; ALOT.
9. I speak a bit too much to myself and to my mind.
10. I don't want to have an interest with anything related to creativity anymore.

Here's a picture I took long back:

Title courtesy: James Morrison - The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mea Culpa?

There's this sort of urge in me to write but I don't know what to write.
I want to just ink it all out, bring it all out but I don't know how.
Maybe it's time to take the quote "Words can't even describe how I feel", literally.
Why am I so short of words? Is it because I'm so engrossed into the song I'm listening to -- which is Just A Dream by Nelly -- or is my mind just clouded?
Is it so hard to figure out a reason for something as insignificant as not being able to find the right words to put my thoughts into action?

I should stop taking long breaks from writing. It's not a good thing. 

Note to self: Keep self occupied by writing something atleast once every 2 days.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Don't feel like blogging lately about everything that's been taking place. When I feel like whining, I shall come by. Till then, adios!

P.S - I feel MAD.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where I am going, you won't be there in the end.

It's not where you go or how you go or when you go or why you go. In the end, we're our own saviours, our own guides, our own lovers. No one's coming with you; we make our own way.

While you're drowning in life, it's not about who's beside you to save you; it's about how desperately you want to come up to the surface, to breath the air.

No one's coming with you everywhere; we make our own way.