Monday, November 15, 2010

The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore.

Writing something atleast once in two days.. didn't seem like a tough task till I realised that I'm almost done with two days from the last time I wrote. Anyhow, blah.

Almost all my posts are  life-related and honestly, I don't even know what else to write on this blog. Its like an online diary but it's open to everyone that stumbles upon this blog of non-stop rants in every post. I'm barely interested in anything anymore but that's just how I feel right now. Other times, I just do random stuff.. like eat, for example. Then I eat more and I eat more. I need food (in small portions, ofcourse; I'm not a container) almost every half an hour. Life seems so meaningless when I have nothing to munch on.

Certain things I realised today: 
1. Movies based on love are really cheesy.
2. Bollywood movies are annoying when they have songs coming up every 2 minutes.
3. I don't really like movies.
4. I turn the TV on just to watch something either on Cartoon Network or Star World.
5. Art is meaningless unless I can feel something.
6. I can't see life beyond this year.
7. I can't live without food and music.
8. I tend to get bored; ALOT.
9. I speak a bit too much to myself and to my mind.
10. I don't want to have an interest with anything related to creativity anymore.

Here's a picture I took long back:

Title courtesy: James Morrison - The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore

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